
Elise Piper

March 2020

“Elise is a fierce and brave 3-year-old girl who loves to adventure and be creative both indoors and outdoors. Elise says she is good at hunting for mushrooms, ants, and cookies. Elise loves her two dogs, as well as any dog she meets ever, and all animals. Elise brings a smile to everyone who meets her.

Elise was diagnosed with medulloblastoma at 20 months old. After an emergency brain surgery to remove the tumor blocking her spinal fluid and causing hydrocephalus, Elise underwent three rounds of high-dose chemo and three rounds of myeloablative chemo with autologous stem cell transplants. Continued challenges for Elise are mild hearing loss, severe tooth damage leading to dental surgery on all of her teeth, hair loss, and continued MRIs for monitoring. Elise is currently No Evidence of Disease. Elise told us after her brain surgery that Jesus hugged her and gave her back to her mommy and daddy. Overall her spirit is bright and her attitude is positive towards everything she faces. She is truly a blessing to all of those around her.”